Cevnautas da Psicologia,

A publicação é recente e o preço salgado. Mas, bibliotecas institucionais precisam ter:

Encyclopedia of Sport and Exercise Psychology

Edited by: Robert C. Eklund & Gershon Tenenbaum  

Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc. |  Publication Year: 2014 |

Online Publication Date: March 11, 2014 | DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781483332222 |

 Print ISBN: 9781452203836 | Online ISBN: 9781483332222  


How do athletes overcome fears, slumps, mental blocks, or injuries? How do they deal with stress and anxiety, be it from competitors, teammates, audiences, parents, coaches, or themselves? What psychological techniques prove effective in mental training for peak performance, maintaining concentration, motivation, and competitive drive? How can an athlete enhance his or her commitment to a training regimen, or how might the average person better adhere to a program of fitness and exercise? Readers will find answers to these questions and more in the Encyclopedia of Sport and Exercise Psychology.  

FONTE: https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/sam/encyclopedia-of-sport-and-exercise-psychology/book237359


Por Darwin Ianuskiewtz
em 23 de Janeiro de 2016 às 08:37.

Pessoal, temos a versão eletronica para Kindle por U$ 253,00. http://amzn.to/1ON7pts 

Outras versões como para o Kobo passam dos US$ 960,00

As versões eletrônicas (Kindle, Kobo e outros), tornou o livro algo pessoal, individual, diferente de um livro na estante para uso coletivo.



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