Editora Marcavisual: ESEFID/UFRGS. Brasil 2024. 190 páginas.


O livro trata de aspectos históricos, filosóficos e pedagógicos do Olimpismo, enfatizando as ideias de Pierre de Coubertin e suas implicações para a Educação Olímpica. O livro estabelece uma interface entre o esporte e os valores olímpicos e discute aspectos teóricos e práticos da Educação Olímpica.

Posthumous Tribute
Alberto Reinaldo Reppold Filho and Stephan Wassong.... 11
Heiko Strüder .......................................... 13
Alberto Reinaldo Reppold Filho and Stephan Wassong ................... 14
1 On Olympic Education
Eckhard Meinberg .............................. 16
2 The Concept of Sport in Olympism
Jim Parry ............... 27
3 Education and Olympism: Coubertin’s Unfinished Symphony
Irena Martínková ......................... 43
4 Olympic Education and the Institutional Foundation of Sports for All at
the International Olympic Committee
Stephan Wassong .......................... 56
5 Olympic Education as an Axiological Metalanguage: Pedagogical and
Philosophical Reviews of International and Brazilian Experiences
Lamartine DaCosta ............................... 70
6 Olympic Education in Sports Museums
Christian Wacker ................................ 80
7 Social Media Use for Promoting Olympism and Olympic Education
Hilla Davidov ................................ 92
8 Olympic Education: Coubertin’s Legacy in Brazil
Ana Miragaya ........................................ 108
9 Research Notes on Olympic Education
Marta Corrêa Gomes................ 121
10 Body, Sport and Olympic Education
Iraquitan de Oliveira Caminha ............ 132
11 Olympism and Multiculturalism
Selda Engelman, Cláudia Maria Perrone and Alberto Reinaldo Reppold Filho.................. 140
12 Olympic Education for Better Governance
Konstantinos Georgiadis and María Teresa Calle Molina 147
13 The Opening Ceremonies of the Olympic Games from the Perspective of Olympic Education
Nelson Schneider Todt ........... 158
14 Olympic Games Education: Elements for a Project
Otávio Tavares, Flávio Kirst and Adriano Lopes de Souza.... 166
15 Guidelines for the Measurement of Values in Olympic Education
Marcus Levi Lopes Barbosa, Carlos Adelar Abaide Balbinotti and Ricardo Pedrozo Saldanha .... 174
16 Olympic Education: The Educational Role of the Centers of Documentation and Memory
Silvana Vilodre Goellner .................. 183


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